Congratulations to the entire team of Village Panchayat Betalbatim 2020, as a new website is being launched by you. Your website will be out into the world, ready to be discovered by wonderful people far and wide!
The village of Betalbatim forms as eminent part of Nuvem Constituency. A village by and far being one of the favourute belt of tourism of Goa. A village famous for its hotels, restaurants, shacks and a clean beach belt.
The villagers practice agricultural farming and fishing in their occupations. Eminent personalities are also a part of this village. The village Panchayat has learned and hard working pancha’s representing its VII wards.
Creating a website isn’t a one time task! It isn’t the end of the journey! You should keep the content fresh and relevant, stick to the scheduled plan, keep an eye on those analytics and make sure you keep asking for feedback from your visitors for the best chance of success.
Continually adding content and updates to your website is imperative to keeping it relevant and interesting to your visitors.
Besides, one of the greatest gifts a person can give another is support. I, MLA of Nuvem Constituency, Shri Wilfred D’Sa (Babashan) want you VP Betalabtim and my dear villagers of Betalbatim to know, that I care for you and support you all in happiness and in time of distress.
As anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you!
Through the launch of this website I congratulate and extend my support to team Betalbatim.
Mr. Wilfred D’Sa, MLA